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CD : "The Original Soundscape of Water" ( Now out of stock )

"Disappearing Water & Sounds"
The treasure we hand over to 21st century children

Retsuzan Tanabe : Shakuhachi (vertical bamboo flute)
All composed by Motoi Yokoya

Japan's wealth of water has long been an inspiration to its traditional music. Today, however, those beautiful waters are gradually disappearing, and our native music is growing rare in our daily lives.
Thus, the theme of this CD album is water and Japanese music, in what we hope will be an enjoyable acoustic experiment.

Sound Contents

The two movements of this composition have distinctive rhythms and structures representing different waves. Using a synthesizer and the rich, complex sounds of Japanese instruments, the music may suggest the waves in a swell.
  • Shakuhachi (vertical bamboo flute) : Retsuzan Tanabe
  • Ko-tsuzumi (small drum) : Shintaro Sendo
  • Koto (Japanese harp) : Chie Sakurai
  • Computer programing : Motoi Yokoy
Suikinkutsu No Niwa (Japanese Garden With Suikinkutsu)
Simulation for soundscape; 'Wind', 'Clouds' and 'Water'
This was composed to express the dynamism of the natural phenomena wind and rain. Basically, the sound of Suikinkutsu is produced by waterdrops in Japanese garden. I use a computer to simulate the sound in the music. The concept behind this music is to emanciate the sounds in nature. Through a dialogue of sounds in nature and by the tones of the Shakuhachi(bamboo flute) the soundscape is created. The subtitle of this music is "Simulation for soundscape", and the music is organized in three parts titled 'Wind', 'Clouds' and 'Water'.
  • Shakuhachi (vertical bamboo flute) : Retsuzan Tanabe
  • Computer programing : Motoi Yokoy
Gekka Ryusui (Water Flow Under The Moonlight)
This music was composed to express the change in nature found in flowing water. There is a rather impromptu atmosphere to this music which was composed paying attention to the subtle changes in echoes. Water flows and changes itself freely, and at timesCpowerfully. Please try to feel the nature of water under the moonlight.
  • Koto (Japanese harp) : Chie Sakurai
Echoes by S.S.
Impromptu by Sendo Shintaro (small drum).
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